I love my MiniBrute (just ordered a case for it from Calzone/Anvil, in fact) - but there's still one annoyance
in it - the arpeggiator doesn't come out on the MIDI port, yet it comes out on the CV !
I took a quick look inside the MiniBrute, and didn't see multiple microprocessors, so it doesn't seem likely
that the issue is "One microprocessor does the arpeggiator and LFO, the other one does the MIDI".
It all seems to route through a single microprocessor (well, with the opto-isolator on MIDI IN).
Especially since the keyboard _does_ output on MIDI, it seems that the same microprocessor is doing all
of the juggling involved.
So - is there any chance that Arturia will either release an upgrade to the MiniBrute that puts out arpeggiation
on the MIDI OUT, or will release the source code so that the hackers among us can add this feature?
- Bill