« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 05:13:58 pm »
Hi kevin,
Can you please tell me how can i import my own wav or mp3 files in Spark le ?
Thanks a lot
hi, just go to the bottom of sparkle and press on studio then press on the sample name to bring up the file menu and pick from your drive the sample you want to ad or use the file menu and you can add samples there in disk mode or instrument mode if you want to use samp[les already added to your library.

ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s