Hello! I am new here, have a new Spark LE in front of me, as it's exactly what I looked for... but some things make the work less liquid than it could be. Maybe I miss something, so I hope you can help!
I would like to route each sound of Spark to an own audio channel in my DAW (Ableton), so I can mix within the DAW. I know how to do this, but my problem is:
Whenever I load a new kit in Spark, it automatically comes with its own Spark-mixer settings. This makes mixing with the DAW more difficult, especially the panning. I'd always have to move the faders to 0, put each pan knob to Centre, deactivate the effects etc....
SO I wonder:
a) is there an easier way to reset the whole Spark-mixer to standard settings? I know of some plugins where you can at least double-click on a button so it automatically switches to 0 / standard position. This would be good for Spark as well.
and / or
b) is there a way to bypass the Spark-mixer and just route the different sounds to the DAW mixer?
or simply
c) is there a way to load drum kits without mixer settings?
It's really a pain, because I have to do that work every time again and again when I load a new drum kit. Either I miss something, or it would be a good improvement for a next update.