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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Setting Up Midi In with FL Studio  (Read 2163 times)


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Setting Up Midi In with FL Studio
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:43:06 pm »
So I don't know if this topic has been discussed yet because I am fairly new to this forum, but is there a tutorial out there on how to send midi out signals to the minibrute.  I have an audio interface with midi out and the midi cable connected but I cant seem to figure out how to set this up in FL Studio.  I think I am close, I've gone to the midi options and set the generic controller to port 1.  I've opened the midi out in a new channel and tryed to match the setting the best I could but when I go to play a pattern from the piano roll it's setup to play a generic piano sound not the brute. PLZ HELP!


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