Hi, just got the MiniLab and I wanna start by thanking you guys for creating such an effective and aesthetically pleasing controller for such a good price. You guys really did an awesome job with this!
With that being said, I've encountered a problem: When trying to map the encoders to knobs and sliders in Ableton (version 9.0.5), it doesn't work. While I'll assign them properly and they are receptive as far as assigning them to MIDI w/Ableton, the knob in Ableton just shakes back and forth rapidly and doesn't really go anywhere. Same goes for when I map an encoder to a volume slider.. when I turn the corresponding knob on the MiniLab, the slider just shakes like it's confused.
Is this a known problem? If so, is there a workaround? And tips, help, etc would be GREATLY appreciated.
Best Regards,
****Running the most current OS on Mac btw (10.8.4 I believe?).