i'm also hoping that the nex fw update isn't too far off.
and contrary to what thunderroad said, i see a lot of room for improvement.
one thing crying for improvements imo is the arpeggiator/almost-sequencer.
for example, it would be great if the arp could be triggered by the gate input instead of the internal arp clock.
a more sh101-style sequencer with more than just 16 steps and a way of programming rests and possibly saving sequences would also be extremely welcome.
also i'd very much aprecciate something like a 'system settings' or 'global settings' mode where you could change all those settings currently only accessible via the pc editor on the brute itself, without having to hook it up to a computer.
'eg legato mode' in particular would be something i would prefer being able to toggle on the brute itself.
and yes, 'local off' is indeed the most pressing...
all this and more should be doable with a fw update - if arturia is commited to further improving their product.