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Author Topic: Filter bug - LP and BP affecting sound even when "bypassed"  (Read 1909 times)


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just noticed this...
empty project, loaded in one of my samples into an empty instrument slot with all parameters at default. compared the loaded sample to my original sample coming from my DAW. Spark sounded A LOT darker. like the top end is missing. no effects used, same volume as sample coming from the DAW.
then I found it... by default the Filter is set to LP and even with default settings of fully open Cutoff and no Resonance, the Filter is still changing the sound of the sample.

actually, when Cutoff is fully open, it SHOULD sound just like the original, not altering the sound. and if the Filter adds its own sound, cool, but there should be a Bypass option for the Filter, so that a sample sounds exactly like it does when there are no effects etc. involved. same goes for Bandpass.

the only way I could get the sample to sound the same was to set the Filter to Highpass and turn Cutoff off.

this is not good. not sure how often users go for the EQ just to rectify the loss of highs due to this, not realizing that the problem is not their sample, but Spark's Filter.

would be good to hear if that's a known issue.
thanks !


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Re: Filter bug - LP and BP affecting sound even when "bypassed"
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 04:31:01 pm »
did some further tests and Filter set to Highpass as suggested above (with Cutoff down) does sound different than the original as well. just exported the three Filter types, comparing to the original, non Spark loaded sample, and none of them comes out the same way as the original.
frankly, I'm a bit baffled here why there's no Filter bypass option. if there are no effects used or anything in the chain that could alter a sample's sound, an exported version should sound identical...


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