Alright, I tried deleting and re-installing the script, and now it shows up!
Still, I'm unable to overwrite the programmed mapping. I tried following the directions on the instruction sheet for using the Minilab with AL but they're unclear. Do I only enable remote on the Input? Both input and output? Just output? When I tried all those options, I still triggered movement on random devices when I twisted the knobs on the MiniLab, wich are, by the way, erratically sensitive. Pretty frustrating. Please help me disable your factory setting so I can map the MiniLab as desired.
I'm also not sure how to incorporate the Analog Lab software into AL. How do I import it as a VST?
Finally, how do I program drum pads? I can't figure out how to assign a pad to a clip in Drum Rack.
Jess, NY