Hi I'm creating a mapping on the controller for the Korg M1 VST in Cubase 7. I'm creating it in memory slot 8 on the minilab
A few things I've noticed and a couple of questions
Setting the pots to absolute works all the time - as it says in the manual
Unfortunately every time i click a controller in midi controller software the VST instrument interface disappears. this means having to launch its interface again for every new controller assignment - a tad annoying. I'm not sure whether this is a fault of cubase or the midi lab software. An 'always on top' option in either the VST interface or the midi lab software would sort this one
I can't seem to make some assignments work. clicking on the VST controller and then the midi lab controller software seems to work on obvious things like cutoff and resonance but things that do not have a natural assingment. eg effect wet/dry on the M1 to param1 on the midilab software seem to result in no action. Anyone got any ideas?
When I save a configuration to my hard disk can I save a preset for all 8 pads at the same time or is it just saving the one configuration that I have assigned to memory slot 8? For instance can I set up the monopoly on memory slot 7 and the wavestation on memory slot six and save and restore them all at the same time from the hard disk?
All suggestions/answers gratefully received.
Once I have completed the assignment and saved the Cubase project I get no crashes. If I don't save my cubase project I am getting odd crashes.
I think this new controller is full of possibilities and with further software development and help from us its going to be the best travelling companion to any musician so lets get behind the coders at arturia and make this thing happen!