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Author Topic: Ultrasaw - crackling noise when activited  (Read 2425 times)


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Ultrasaw - crackling noise when activited
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:30:30 am »
Hi everyone,

I need some help or advice to see, if my minibrute is somehow broken or just behaves "normal":
Tonight I heard some unwanted noise from my minibrute. After some experiments I was able to reproduce it: If I turn in more than half of the ultrasaw amount and play on the highest octave, there is a short unwanted noise (like white noise) which is audible from time to time, let's say something like one time in a minute.  The noise is rather low volume, lower than the sound of the actual ultrasaw itself. To reproduce this noisy behavior, I use the arp on "hold".
As far as I could hear, it is not happening with the square wave, just with ultrasaw and only if the amount is more than half dialed in.
Has anybody experienced the same crackling noise? Does it have to do something with the way, the ultrasaw is generated? Or is it, that my machine is broken? I mean, I love the sound of the ultrasaw, but this short crackling noise just sounds wrong (distorted noise).
I checked the patch, turned down all waves in the mixer-section, I checked the cables going in and out of the minibrute and so on ... it is reproducable ...
Any ideas?

Thanks for your help!
T-Resonator, Monomachine, Octatrack, Virus A, Minibrute


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Update: Ultrasaw - crackling noise when activited
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 03:28:29 pm »
I recorded the crackling noise, so you have a better idea what I am talking about.
The samples are made with zero resonance, ultrasaw rate all the way down, ultrasaw-amount 100%. Arp-Setting is on hold, highest octave ...

Again: Is this normal behavoir, some kind of circuit-overload related to the ultrasaw? Or do I have a broken minibrute?

Any advice welcome!!
T-Resonator, Monomachine, Octatrack, Virus A, Minibrute


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Re: Ultrasaw - crackling noise when activited
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 04:24:30 pm »
No that does not sound right. My Minibrute does not behave like this. I would contact Arturia and send them the sound clips. This will help them identify the problem more accurately.


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Re: Ultrasaw - crackling noise when activited
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2013, 10:03:33 pm »
Thank you. I will contact Arturia then.
T-Resonator, Monomachine, Octatrack, Virus A, Minibrute


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