When I ordered my Minibrute, one of the reasons I went with it was because of the CV outputs. I figured I would eventually get a modular. Which I did. Last week actually. I was so stoked to have it. I ordered a custom Portable 22 from synthesizers.com. I didn't get the midi interface or the slew limiter, because the Minibrute has CV out and a built in GLIDE function. I spent a few days without listening to the minibrute along with the modular. I then decided to have a drone fest and give them a try together. What happened? I discovered that the minibrute puts out on the lowest C, 1V. Which means that the modular is one octave higher than the minibrute. There is no way around this, unless of course you purchased a midi module, which I DID NOT! I filed a tech support ticket tto see what could be done, but no response as of yet. And another thing it doesn't do....it does't output glide over the pitch CV either. By itself the Minibrute is great, but using it with a modular is a nightmare. Due to the octave problem I decided to hook the minibrute up to a tuner. It gets more out of tune, the higher you go. Which isn't that great. another reason I got the minibrute was I thought it would output arpeggiated notes over midi. NOPE! But it does put them out over CV.
I am kinda wanting to sell the minibrute and just get a dotcom controller. But for now I am hoping that the wonderful folks at dotcom will let me return a not so necessary module so I can get modules that I should have gotten in the first place.