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Author Topic: Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools  (Read 6841 times)


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Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:51:31 am »
I apologize in advance for the tone but it seems like whenever I decide to run an Arturia synth I end up not making music, trying instead to understand what the #%*! is going on again !?!
I have a new project with the Wurlitzer loaded. Nothing else. That's IT ! A Wurlitzer and for some reason my iMac quadcore cannot handle it.
First it drops audio, CPU goes crazy, on and off for 10/15 min and then...nothing !
No audio whatsoever.
I unload the synth, reload...try to load another instrument like Massive... Nothing. Close the project, open a new one...nothing. Close Pro tools, restart it, new project...nothing.
I have to restart the computer, launch Pro tools, new project, launch Kontakt... and it's flawless.
I barely dare starting anything with Arturia synths since I keep running into issues preventing me from making music. It reminds me the time I was running PC... I assume they got better though (PCs).
I've had big time issues with Spark (hardware and software) before giving up. Issues with SEM V...don't dare using it anymore. Issue with Jupiter in Standalone...I don't even think about loading it as plugin because of this. Loved Arp2600 and Mg Modular before realizing that it was simply Impossible to have the LFOs behaving in a predictable fashion (no real sync since no way to re-trigger their oscillation).
Now this...
Any known any chance ?

You can get back to me either in English or in French (I am French living in the US)


PS: iMac 2.66 GHz Quad-core i5, OS X 10.6.8, 16 GB RAM, Pro tools 10.3.4
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 04:59:47 am by legreg6 »


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Re: Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 01:05:25 am »

I'll write in english so everyone can read it.
This is the first time this kind of issue is reported on the Wurli I think, however we are already investigating on the OBSEM this kind of issue.
Could you please send me any material that you can share which may help us to reproduce the bug on a workstation, protools sessions, obsem presets ...
Also a some details like your audio set up may be useful.

Thank you

PS Also just to notice you PT10.3.5 is out since april, I don't know if this is useful
Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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Re: Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2013, 04:32:24 pm »
Hey Adrien,
I've just updated my system to OS X 10.8.4 (after many months of hesitation).
I tried the Wurlitzer on a new project again, with NOTHING else loaded... same deal : unusable.
Just to let you know, I installed the AAX update. But apparently RTAS on 10.6.8 or AAX on 10.8.4, both with Pro tools 10.3.5 : same behavior.
I send you the project.


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Re: Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 09:16:09 pm »

thank you,
AAX updates only works for PT11 currently

I will test your project ASAP
Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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Re: Wurlitzer causes CPU spikes...and crash Pro Tools
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 04:20:29 pm »
Did you ever get to the bottom of the CPU spikes? I'm having the same issues in PT11 on Mountain Lion with Wurlizter, a lot of spikes and glitches with Spark as well.



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