Arturia makes great instruments - that's why I use them - but to be honest the build quality of their hardware isn't their best part. I've had two Origin's and both of them have had problems. First one started to have problems with knobs (sending values without touching them) and I had to cancel the whole deal. I then also realized that Origin is very difficult to fix - I don't know if anything can be done outside France which is of course not very practical for us living in all around the world. (Well probably they have some office in USA...)
For example, you have a problem with one knob. Are you willing to send it to France and be prepared to wait for months (I had to wait 3,5 months) and risk for getting more problems with transportation...? I don't wanna sound too negative but this is something we (Origin users) should be aware of. And as said elsewhere, try to keep our instruments in good condition.