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Author Topic: Does Minibrute send MIDI power?  (Read 3174 times)


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Does Minibrute send MIDI power?
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:45:45 pm »
Hi gang

I am having a problem with Minibrute not sending MIDI power. If I connect it to powered instruments directly, it works fine, but if I connect it to a MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru, it does not work. There is no MIDI signal coming to the Quadra Thru, indicating that the Minibrute does not send power out of its MIDI out connector.

Is there a workaround or can this be fixed in a firmware update?



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Re: Does Minibrute send MIDI power?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 01:08:35 am »
I'm having this same problem with the MIDI Solutions Pedal Controller. It works fine with my other MIDI gear connected to the input, but not the Minibrute.


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Re: Does Minibrute send MIDI power?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 04:09:20 pm »
To my knowledge, according the official MIDI specification ( ), MIDI devices are not meant to provide any power supply thru there MIDI connections. Some systems hack the MIDI Active Sense signal assuming that the hardware device would send one (which is not guaranteed by the MIDI specification). If such Active Sense message is sent, it is sent every 0.3s and this repeated MIDI signal is scavenged to generate and accumulate power. It works for low power draw but this is a very bad practice (hack) and must be avoided. plugs


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