hi guys, (both Arturia peops and Forum friends)
my name is C-Jay.
www.c-jay.eu been a producer for more than 20+ years, who had his first release on vinyl in 2004. And started out all analog, when i was like 15 years old.
years ago, i changed to a software system, and now after several years i have both: a desktop running windows 7 since years and last year i bought a novation nova and nord lead 1. nice combo of both soft and hard.
first, i posted a question to arturia about the analog laboratory as i was considering buying that one and had some questions before i wanted to spend money.
NONE of my questions were answered by sales. and that was january 22!
meanwhile, thanks to good advice of my local music store, i bought the V-Collection.
last year i decided to go 100% legal. i had some cracks and demos to test out, but i only wanna have legal stuff on my pc. whic i have now.
after some crashes after installing the v-collection, i thought of the following: maybe the bundle "sees' older cracked / demo licenses. so, what i did: i put the legal license on a seperate stick, and the illegals on an old one and threw it away.
yesterday, i installed windows again, installed cubase again, installed the C: again and installed the bundle again.
now: the bundle works, but when i install the updates, it crashes again?
and the silly part? you dont know which synth causes the crash, cause its not a bundle install but a "synth by synth" update.
anyone knows about a buggy update which causes this? and Arturia, maybe it's an idea to have an update for the whole bundle at once? would be awesome.
so, for now i will just keep the original dvd install. but i paid 400 euro for a product, which should update buggfree.
and i'm confident tech support will get back to me on the crashes of the updates.
much love from Amsterdam, keep up the good products and thanks for making a bundle thats's affordable and replaces all i had.
edit: today a minute ago, the tech support came back to me. they are looking into the matter.
thumbs up guys.
hope to hear back soon.