Just one example of how great the Origin is for sound design. It took only about 20 minutes to create this sound after clicking New->Simple Program. It uses 7 main modules: Osc/Filter/Env, three PolyLFOs and a Bode Frequency Shifter.
In the first demo track I am just holding down a key, and letting the patch do its thing.
https://soundcloud.com/paul-schilling/r2d2s-brotherIn the second demo track I am holding down three keys. Since the sound is based around a PolyLFO set to Random, controlling many different parameters (including two other PolyLFOs), each key held down produces a completely unique "talk"
https://soundcloud.com/paul-schilling/android-jungleThe "R2D2 Alive" program included in the .ogs file is the same except I added a bunch of joystick assignments, which takes it into a different direction