So I'm pretty ticked at myself right now—I've only been using my new minibrute for a week, and it seems I've already broken it.
I was playing around with running an external synth into the audio input on the brute, using the audio input gate mode for the analog envelopes and filter. (the other synth went to a channel on my mixer, and one of the aux sends on the mixer into the brute input)
It was working fine, lots of fun.
Until I accidentally turned the gain on my mixer up too high (I had been playing around with different input levels to see what worked best). The filter was overdriven, then the sound stopped. I can't get the audio input gate mode to work anymore. It seems that I blew out the input gate trigger.
The audio input still works, I can switch the gate to hold and use the audio input as normal.
But breaking the input gate trigger, is that something that could happen, based on the synth's circuitry? Did I, for example, overload an ADC on a microcontroller or something? If so, is there any sort of fix?
To anyone else with the pleasure of having a minibrute, be careful with the input!
EDIT: Now it's working again... It may have been some other error on my part when I was testing it after it supposedly "broke". So it all seems to be good.