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Author Topic: sample rates and sound quality  (Read 3462 times)

Moogy Frank

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sample rates and sound quality
« on: February 09, 2006, 07:53:30 pm »
I am noticing a quite a  difference in sound quality when using 96Khz vs 44.1Khz with the Mg mod. Granted the cpu usage is about double as well when on the higher setting. So what I am curious about is if I use the higher sample rate and then go to mix dowm to standard cd 44.1 will I Lose all of the sound I have achieved using the higher rate to compose.
Also, are there difierent sound cards out there which make the difference less noticable than the maudio card I'm using. I notice a less drastic difference with reason but still some.


I have a p4 3.4 ghz with win xp 2gig ram
delta 66 with omni studio audio interface
pro tools 7 M powered
Reason 3.0
Mg Mod V2


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