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Author Topic: BEATSTEP no sound after Midi Control Center  (Read 4157 times)


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BEATSTEP no sound after Midi Control Center
« on: May 31, 2023, 03:31:01 pm »
Hello to everyone, Marco overhere (from Chile), my first post...
I've had a BEATSTEP for a year and a half, in this period of time I could only use it as a drum machine player and sequencer, but I wanted to mek some daw stuff with it, thus, I found a youtbe tutorial to pair it with my main daw (STUDIO ONE 6 Pro), to get that possible, I went to the Midi Control Center, as that tutorial said, and did everything as it was supposed to do it; after that I went to the daw and I couldn't do what I wanted, and the other day, I just couldn't do a single thing, play any sound nor made some drums nor sequencing... before this situation I did anything normal. Please, any advice????



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