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Author Topic: Polybrute doesnt work with app and as vst  (Read 728 times)

Anton Zinoviev

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Polybrute doesnt work with app and as vst
« on: May 30, 2023, 04:51:48 pm »
Hello. Could someone help me please. I just bought polybrude. Did everything that is told in tutorial to start it with polybrute connect but it doesnt work. Signal is going to polybrute connect if i touch controls on the synth it shows that it moves in app but signal doesnt go further i dont have any sound coming out. I can change presets but no sound.

If i connect it directly to speakers it works normaly
For the audio card i use apollo twin x
But if I change it to any card there to default mac card nothing changes
Help me please
Thank you


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Re: Polybrute doesnt work with app and as vst
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2023, 07:19:04 am »
Are your Polybrute's audio outputs properly connected, through the audio card, to an audio channel in your DAW?


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