January 16, 2025, 11:25:36 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Problems running multiple instances of Spark 2.4.2 into Logic Pro X (M1 SOC)  (Read 5609 times)


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I need to use multiple instances of Spark inside Logic Pro X, to be able to manage the various drum sounds separately in the mixer section (to apply different effect plug-ins, compressors, limiters, equalizers etc.). It often happens that the sounds coming from Spark, such as the kick or the crash, are corrupted by continuous clicks and out-of-sync with the song. Each instance of Spark has obviously deselected the "host" button, since I developed the patterns inside Logic Pro X. In particular, the thing becomes unmanageable at the fourth instance of Spark. By merging two of the four initially separate tracks, thus giving up having them separated on the Logic Pro X mixer, this seems to work better. I'm wondering if my approach is correct, i.e. using multiple instances of Spark on respective Logic Pro X tracks, or if there is a different way to achieve the same result in terms of flexibility in the mixer


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Any suggestions?!?!  ;D


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