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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Arp won't work when disabled and enabled again while synced to external clock  (Read 1475 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Hello! Anyone having issues with arpeggiator not generating any notes when disabled and enabled again while synced to external clock?

Here is exactly what I'm doing:
1. Enable clock out to Minilab 3 in Ableton midi devices and set clock source to external on Minilab 3
2. Enable Arp on Minilab 3
3. Start playback in Ableton
4. Press note keys on Minilab -> the arpeggiator works normally and is synced to Ableton's clock
5. Turn off the arp -> note keys normally trigger sounds without arpeggiator
6. Turn on the arp again -> note keys do not trigger anything, either arpeggiated or not, no midi is sent form Minilab to Ableton/VST instrument.

Minilab is updated to the latest firmware 1.1.1.
Everything else works correctly in both modes (DAW and Arturia).

Am I doing anything wrong? I hope it was not designed like that.


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