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Author Topic: BSP led problem  (Read 1909 times)


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BSP led problem
« on: May 12, 2023, 09:08:37 am »
My BSP led/indicators and pads flicker when powered by laptop/PC/ eurorack. However it doesn't do this when I power it form a 5V 2AMP direct charger.
The flickering seems to intensify especially when I  activate the steps on the sequencers 1 & 2. however, if I only use steps on the drum sequencer the flickering is close to negligible. the flickering is more like the pads and indicators on the controls that dim and brighten when the sequencer is playing and steps are activated.
I understand it appears to be an issue due to a power/current but my laptop, pc and even the eurorack case specifications are claiming 5v 1000mAmp which I believe it delivers based on how it powers other equipment. ( all source devices are plugged in and fully charged )
Any clues or advice to power the BSP without a wall charger and just use my PC or eurorack.

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