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Author Topic: Play MIDI Out while receving MIDI In->CV  (Read 772 times)


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Play MIDI Out while receving MIDI In->CV
« on: May 02, 2023, 05:17:55 pm »
Hi there,
I have a MIDI Sequence coming into my Keystep through the USB connection. This goes into Channel 1 and out the CV Outs. I then want to play a MIDI Instrument through the same USB connection, but don't want that information to go out the CV Outs. Is there a way I could so this? Sort of like Kbd Play?

I have tried routing the sequence so that it is only sent through Channel 1 (using MIDI-OX and loopMidi), then changing the Keyboard MIDI CH to 2, but the keyboard is still sent to the CV Outs. Nothing in the MIDI Control Center seems to be what I want either. Any ideas on whether or not this is even possible?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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