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Author Topic: DAW to use with PolyBrute?  (Read 1183 times)


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DAW to use with PolyBrute?
« on: April 04, 2023, 12:51:21 am »
So I have a multitude of DAW's to use and so far I have tried CakeWalk, SoundBridge, and Traction Waveform 12 Pro and I cannot get ANY sound out of this synth in any of them. I can hear it loud and clear however when it is ran straight through my MotionSound amp but then of course I cannot record anything! Customer Service is at a bare minimum so I am relegated to the forums hoping someone else is experiencing the same thing who reads this. My soft synths are more straight forward than this and at least I can record with those! What gives with this synth?


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Re: DAW to use with PolyBrute?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2023, 09:35:00 pm »
I'm not sure to get you but the Polybrute's audio outputs must be plugged into your audio interface if you want to hear it into your DAW.
Also, have you installed Polybrute Connect on your computer ?


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Re: DAW to use with PolyBrute?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2023, 02:25:56 pm »
... as far as I understood it, the midi signal is not routed through.

Curious as I am and not being a DAW user at all - I tried to get my PB doing midi playback after recording some tunes in Reaper.
After I have figured out (from the Reaper manual) what needs to be set, it works fine....and found out why I rather use a dedicated machine (MPCX) to do the job - it seems to be easier. But this is only my personal opinion.
Drawback of the MPCX: a maximum of around 5 minutes of hardware audio recording is possible (often criticised) but for me it's ok. If more is needed, multiple recordings are required (e.g. Intro, vers, chorus, bridges, and endings need a separate recording. Aligned in the project it can be endlessly long.... just bad for live recordings)

But Michael_G: You are of course right - this is the far end requirement which needs to work.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 02:33:33 pm by StudioDeutz »


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