February 14, 2025, 09:29:09 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: KeyLab 61 producing different midi when moved between computers  (Read 2900 times)


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I recently purchased a Keylab 61 MKII to use for live performance.  I'll never use this keyboard with a DAW.  When I first got it, I created a custom User profile in user slot 1 from my laptop, which remapped the pad note assignments to match a different device  I'm used to.

I'm using gig performer to map some of the buttons to control things like octave up/down, a mute button, etc...

On my laptop, when I'm in user mode and press the transport keys - gig performer is receiving midi note event.  The rewind button sends not G5, the fast forward button produces g#5, etc...   I was able to map those to controls to allow me to step backwards and forwards through song parts when playing, the location of these buttons is very convenient to press with one finger as I prepare for the next part of a song.

I added a 2nd computer which will be dedicated for live use.  It's a mac mini, but has the same hardware specs and operating system as my laptop - and all the same versions of software.   When I plug the keylab into that machine, it's not registering anything with these buttons, so I can't use the "<<" or ">>" buttons to advance the page - which isn't good since the other user-assignable buttons in the Daw command section are already assigned to other things.

I downloaded the Midi Control Center and it appears that the transport and many other buttons don't have any configuration options in user mode, which seems really weird. I also can't seem to send display update messages in user mode.  Is there something I'm missing?  I don't know how the notes got assigned initially from the laptop or why it behaves differently when plugged into a different computer. 


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