I just bought the keylab essential 61, and the mapping with cubase is so weird, it doesn't really work.
- I installed MIDI control center, and created a custom user template on the slot 3 (pad number 3) called "User 1".
- I assigned in the midi control center fader number 1 to midi CC 1, fader number 2 to midi CC 11.
- Cubase recognized the keyboard and automatically applied an existing script for this keyboard. Everything work except ...
Cubase don't recognize the knobs if I am set on my "User 1 map" template on the keyboard. The knobs work only when I am set on "Daw Mode". But the Daw mode is read-only on the midi control center so I can't change anything about the faders.
When I tried to create my own midi script mapping on cubase from scratch, cubase don't detect any transport button on my keyboard, in fact it doesn't detect anything expect the knobs and the faders.
It's such a headeach, Cubase is setting the ports to "MIDIIN2 (Arturia Keylab)" and "MIDIOUT2 (Arturia Keylab)", is it right ?
I don't even know if my message is clear enough, it's complicated enough for me
Edit : When Daw mode is ON, the knobs are not sending midi message to cubase, therefore the mapping assistant use the knobs normally to the assigned function. When User mode is activated, the knobs are sending midi message (74 for knob 1 etc.) and cubase mapping assistant do not recognize that knob at all, it's like I am not even moving it with my hand, even tho the midi message signal at the bottom right corner of cubase is flashing
Edit 2 : Based on MIDI OX, the keyboard is communicating using "MIDIIN2" port when used in DAW mode, and with the "Keylab Essential 61" port when using in user preset mode. Which is I think, the reason for this bug on cubase...
Any solution ?