December 04, 2024, 12:41:42 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Bipolar Slewed Noise, Centered Bipolar Slewed S/H LFO Shapes, Delay/Fade In...  (Read 739 times)


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It would be great to have noise as an LFO shape that is bipolar as well as a slewed random that is biploar.
It seems the current random/slewed random seems to be unipolar, conceptually going from 0 to 1.
Would be nice to have it centered at 0 and go -1 to +1...or something along those lines.
Would also be great to have a delay time and/or fade in time for the LFO so you could set it as a modulator and have it triggered by key press and fade in to the defined value at (x) milliseconds/seconds.

Nathan Gray

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<- This.


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