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Author Topic: no pressure in MPE support?  (Read 1554 times)


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no pressure in MPE support?
« on: February 04, 2023, 04:04:36 pm »
Today I tried the microfreak as a pseudo MPE controller. I was suprised to find out there is no support for pressure aka polyphonic aftertouch on most of MPE supported plug-ins from V collections (jupiter and juno mostly). I only got it in the CS 80 (V3, which supports poly aftertouch but not MPE); and in pigments the aftertouch becomes polyphonic after activating MPE. I would have expect every other synth to behave like pigments; or better have a switch that let's me select mono and poly aftertouch. I was under the impression that polyphonic aftertouch was part of the MPE implementation or at least fully compatible (in ableton it is part of the MPE tab). please tell me if I'm missing something


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Re: no pressure in MPE support?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2023, 12:16:11 am »

Just some thoughts.

I don't have MicroFreak. But afaik then "Normal" polyphonic aftertouch and MPE is'nt the same.

Are you sure the presets you have tried have aftertouch modulation applied at all?
I don't have a MPE controller, so i can't test.

Does it work when you use standalone applications? In that case have you enabled MPE in your DAW, if it has to be enabled?

If MPE aftertouch really does'nt work poæyphonicly, then i suggest you contact Arturia support.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 12:19:12 am by LBH »


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Re: no pressure in MPE support?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2023, 08:12:16 pm »
ok I did some more tests today and I think there's really a problem.
First yes I know technically polyAT and pressure MPE are two different kind of messages. BUT they show up both as "pressure" inside live; so they end up as the same parameter.
Which is confirmed by the fact that I have to activate MPE inside pigments to get polyAT to work (and also it works the same in wavetable and most ableton plug ins I used).
So today I tried sending different MPE messages to the Jupiter and Juno; and the thing is polyAT works if you DISABLE MPE; but if you enable it not only it doesn't work; but neither all the other MPE messages (tried some automation for pitch and slide; you can edit them manually inside clips in live 11); so my conclusion is  MPE doesn't work at all with  all the V collection instruments; at least inside ableton. Pigments is all right. somebobdy should look into it (I think I've updated all of those in december or something).
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 08:14:19 pm by grrrzzzt »


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Re: no pressure in MPE support?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2023, 12:34:12 am »
ok nevermind it works; there's a trick in live; you have to right-click on the plugin and toggle "MPE support". there was no way to guess. All the more confusing is it's toggled on by default in pigments (also can confirm 100% inside live poly aftertouch = MPE channel aftertouch)


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Re: no pressure in MPE support?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2023, 04:35:31 pm »
Thanks for the updates.

ok nevermind it works; there's a trick in live; you have to right-click on the plugin and toggle "MPE support". there was no way to guess.
have you enabled MPE in your DAW, if it has to be enabled?
So this was the main issue.

Are you sure it's Pigments that enable the MPE by it self in Live? It does'nt enable MPE in my DAW by it self.

Even if "normal" Poly aftertouch work with MPE switched on, then i still can imagine, it use the MPE master midi channel only. Especially if it work with your MicroFreak and it is'nt a MPE controller but does have PolyAftertouch. But perhaps it's also about how it has been implemented.
The main thing is it afterall does work. That's good to know.


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