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Author Topic: (Rant) Why are you not fixing these horrible problems in 4.0 ?  (Read 1300 times)


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(Rant) Why are you not fixing these horrible problems in 4.0 ?
« on: February 01, 2023, 06:19:54 am »
It really doesn't speak to me, when this software is in version 4.0, and you seem unable to recognize a need to fix these issues.
I will most definitely never buy another Arturia product, just to let you know what kind of reputation you garner, in my case.

When you load it as a plugin, the default patch still can't be chosen. And it's not even "Default" ??? A joke.

It still happens frequently, that stuff you turn on or off while the instrument is playing will only register in the UI. Meaning it shows you it's off, but it's on, or vice versa.
How can that even happen ???

No, don't fix it, just add some features and keep selling this crap.
Don't even talk to me, bye.

- Rant End -



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Re: (Rant) Why are you not fixing these horrible problems in 4.0 ?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 08:56:40 am »
Hello AaronAmadeus,
thanks for the very nice post !
Now to answer some of your questions :
the opening preset on Pigments is not the Init patch, it is done on purpose to display what Pigments can do.
To Init the patch simply go to the Hamburger menu and select New Preset

Regarding the On/Off not registering on the UI, i do not reproduce your problem, it might be an install issue or maybe you are tweaking the wrong instance?
If you still have it, i recommend you contact our support and send them a video displaying the issue :

Looking forward to your response.
Best regards
QA Technician


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Re: (Rant) Why are you not fixing these horrible problems in 4.0 ?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2023, 12:18:31 pm »
Any update on this.

As far as I can tell the OP did not know how to init a patch and may have an installation issue or not be familiar with their DAW.

Aside form all that, they possibly owe you an apology for being so rude.


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Re: (Rant) Why are you not fixing these horrible problems in 4.0 ?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2023, 03:25:08 pm »
To be fair, i would love being able to set my default preset to a init preset. I use Pigments for more than 50% of my sounds so everytime i open it up its just a bunch of extra clicks.
There is a in programdata that manages the presets and what preset is loaded up first is the one on top of that list. I just add a reference to the default preset there. Need to correct it after every update but it saves some frustration.

OP still is quite rude about it though.


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