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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Integration with logic . Any plans on an update  (Read 777 times)


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Integration with logic . Any plans on an update
« on: January 30, 2023, 09:58:48 pm »
Cool keyboard . I should have done my research though. It has very basic midi control of the stop play pause button and volume  sliders  with my daw. Not too much else when it comes to integration with logic x . It would be incredible if there was a software update to include plugin integration with logic .this is  Such a nice “looking” controller and feels nice . I understand arturia selling arturia softwAre for this controller but it would be even better for ALL customers with the most common DAWS to get more integration than the very basics . I feel stupid now for not  buying a lower cost controller that already had tighter more elaborate integration with my DAW. Although I will not feel stupid and I will feel very very pleased if arturia comes out with a software update and hears it’s customers . Once again , this is my fault but it doesn’t hurt to ask . ARTURIA DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS for a software update that incorporates logicx more ? IE: plug-in integration etc..
 I’d be very grateful !!!!


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