Hi Francoise,
Thanks for replying.
there is something you don't know? 
Ha-ha. Yup. A lot.

Are you sure the AUTO make a difference for you?
The Play button blinking happens without using AUTO. It blink as long a note is held. It's "normal" mode and it transpose according to incomming notes.
As i understand it, then AUTO is to be used with a DAW, so Minifreaks sequencer playback is controlled by the DAWs transport bar. It play from a current position when the DAW play - and it stop at the current position when the DAW stop. This behavior only make sense, if one wan't to use Minifreaks sequencers notes. This is good, but it's very limited, if you ie can't send a note to transpose the sequence. As it is you can only play notes alongside the notes the sequencer play. No transpose is possible.
However - sometimes i somehow exsperience transpose works, but only untill the sequence get stopped. When the playback continues it no longer transpose. Something strange happens.
I think it would make most sense, if the incomming notes did'nt sound but did transpose the sequence, when in this playmode. The last played note should determine the transpose, just like in "normal" mode.
It's the same with the Play button. That can be used internally - probably mostly when using the standalone application, - or when creating a sequence.
The result of the behavior i describe is different from what can be done in "Normal" mode and from using normal HOLD.
Without using normal HOLD you can transpose a sequence by a single short tab on a key. And when you stop and then continue playing the sequence just play from where it was stopped, with the last set transpose, without you have to input a note. But it does'nt work like that now.