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Author Topic: Morphee controlling Analog Lab/V Collection preset menu  (Read 683 times)


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Morphee controlling Analog Lab/V Collection preset menu
« on: January 23, 2023, 09:16:31 pm »
I want to use my PB as a midi controller when working with my VSTs, and one of the issues I have is that the Morphee appears to attempt to change the preset value of the VST. This isn't consistent, but if I interact with the Morphee, eventually the preset will change, no matter which VST synth I am using. In similar fashion, the ribbon seems to be set to Master Volume - but I can't seem to find where to change this.

I know that the Morphee sends CC114/115 information - but this happens even if the midi config is blank (i.e. it hasn't "learned" or been assigned to anything).

I'm using Cubase, if that makes any difference. Quick Controls on Cubase are unassigned. I can't find anywhere else where this will be set?


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