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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Mapping scroll-wheel MIDI in a non-arturia host, like gig performer 4 or logic?  (Read 1304 times)

Zed Lepplin

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I’ve been trying to remap the middle scrolling wheel on the Keylab 88 essential, to affect another midi function (instead of using the wheel to scroll thru arturia-exclusive plugin presets, I want to use it to scroll back & forth between selecting different logic tracks for example. Or perhaps assign it to a specific knob of choice within another plugin).

I have been able to use learn function to successfully assign the wheel to a specific midi function, but I can only get it to move in one direction. For example, regardless of whether I turn the wheel left or right, it will only trigger movement (in the software) in one direction. I can’t get it to work like a multi-directional knob, if that makes sense?

How do I get the midi to recognize that I’m either turning the wheel left or right so I can use it like a knob or a midi scrolling wheel?

It’s possible I’m missing something right in front of me as well, but thought I would ask in case someone knows the answer. Would my answer be in the ASC somewhere? Or perhaps I need to keep fumbling around with midi assignments. Not sure, anything helps.


« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 04:20:22 am by Zed Lepplin »


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I'm fairly new to this myself, but if you assign cc numbers in the MIDI Control Centre, wouldn't they work anywhere?


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