Hi Matthieu,
Yes i can confirm it's on "manual" note on event. It's not on each Seq/ Arp beat.
You are actually confirming the issue.
The point is a Free running mode should not retrigger at all.
(When you don't use the Seq/ Arp, then the Free running mode correctly is'nt retriggered on note on events.)
If i want the Free running mode to retriggered like it does now, then i would use the Seq Start retrig. As it is now, then there is no difference between the Free running and the Seq Start retrig. There should be.
BTW: It's the same issue for the normal LFO's and the Random modules,
In addition i can tell, that i ie miss a Seq step 1 trigger that retrigger each time the sequencers Pitch lane reach "step" 1, as that ie would make it possible to retrigger a function after any number of "steps" without doing a "manual" note on event.
At the time being it's not possible to ie use the functions for ie uneven messures like 5/4, 7/4, 13/8 and so on, as you can't set it to a number of "steps" like you can in the sequencer. In cases like this you can't sync to the Sequencer. A Seq step 1 retrig would make that possible at least when using the Seq/ Arp.
But being able to being able to set steps/ messures in the Functions alone would be even better.
I suggest something like this is added.
It could actually be great, if each "steps" in the Seq/ Arp lane could be used as individual triggers.
Kind regards