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Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 817 times)


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« on: October 21, 2022, 12:30:01 pm »
You may also try to make an Arturia variant - call it "MiniPad" similar to Presonus Atom SQ but with more than 32 pads - instead of the normal keys.

For MK III Mini Lab some very good ideas would be to :

1) Make it with mini keys in 37, 49 and 61 configurations since 25 keys are way too limiting for most work.

2) Further improve the keybed dynamics and give it the ability to play very soft/gentle (great sensitivity - offer more custom sensitivity values and make sure black and white keys behave the same) while also insulating all noisy sounds that a normal plastic keyboard usually produces. You can even add after touch.

3) Put 16 pads instead of 8, and allow for individual setting of sensitivity for each pad like on Nektar LX+
Or keep 8 pads on the lower keys models, but use better sensitivity pads (new sensor/new material for pads) like on the Nektar Aura (currently the best pads on the market)
Very important for the pads try to use as DEFAULT setting the same "Dynamic" setting they use, that can be found in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ofeNrOTwM since it is the best way to have dynamic pads with such a setting and allow the user to control the sensitivity by max pressure/output at a certain value.

4) 8 knobs are enough, 16 too much.

5) Add many scales and root notes so you can play on white keys only the right scales (something like Scaler 2 plugin that has hundreds of scales). Make it so that each consecutive white key for example can play the next key in a scale while muting the black keys. Do not duplicate or mute "wrong keys in a scale" since it defeats the purpose of consecutive keys.

6) Add some DAW integration, take inspiration from : https://www.presonus.com/products/ATOM-SQ (their pads are very bad quality - they double trigger and many clients returned their product, but the rest is ok)
Also think about an Arturia MiniPad product, better than the Presonus, with integration for major Daws.

7) Add a small LCD screen where you can change scales, sensitivity of individual pads, sensitivity of keys, split, fixed chords etc.

8 ) Two Arpeggiators and or a chord feature, for keys and pads, more pad maps, integration with most Daws, take inspiration from Nektar LX Mini : https://nektartech.com/impact-lx-mini/



9) Allow to use the pads as extra keys, so you can have the keys in an octave and the pads to continue above or below the keys. Also add some kind of Mutate / Deviate random notes generator of Arpeggiator. See inspiration from Novation:


10) Keep price decent.


Also if you make a 49 or 61 micro key MiniLab MKIII take a look at Oxygen Mini PRO layout - you can definitely stick 8 x 2 pads (16 in total) and 4-8 faders + 4-8 knobs.
Here some pics of 49/61 micro keys from Korg and Oxygen Pro Mini.





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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2022, 12:44:46 pm »
The Reality from Review

1. The pads are still bad :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeaXxqfb_ZA they do not compare to the likes of AKAI or Nektar (the best one)

2. As i said above the competition has made a 37 mini keys version and launched it right now :

3. Maybe you can make a 37, 49, 61 or 88 key of MicroLab instead !
Just for the playable  keys.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 01:33:39 pm by umbral »


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