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Author Topic: Fatar keybed?  (Read 2407 times)

Alan Dicker

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Fatar keybed?
« on: October 12, 2022, 09:57:32 am »
Can any one at Arturia answer this?  Would a FATAR keybed
Be able to replace the stock keybed in the Polybrute.  The keys always seem to come up as the one thing no body likes.  I don't think they're bad but they're not premium. Which stands out against everything else with the Polybrute build.  I think it would feel complete with a higher quality semi weighted key feel.


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Re: Fatar keybed?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2022, 12:11:51 am »
Same question here.


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Re: Fatar keybed?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2022, 01:39:53 am »
I'd love to see this, but I'm guessing it's highly unlikely.


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Re: Fatar keybed?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2023, 04:04:32 pm »
I doubt it....  The keys are both shorter and narrower than standard keys....

The issue with the keybed for me falls purly into the size and mould of the keys.  This results in the 3 things I dont like.
Compared to my FATAR loaded boards:

1.   keys are 1.5mm thinner.... means muscle memory doesntwork toatlly, and I have less room on the black keys, and on the white between the blacks.

2.  Keys are 5mm shorter.  This means teh throw (the distance from up to down) is shallower that other boards, which makes it feel "light".

3.  the underside - the lip the flat bit extending under the key) is only 3mm v 6-7mm on the FATARS.  The taper (the angle its deep the increases as it goes back is similar.     What this means is when fully pressed, there is a gap under the adjacent white key.  This gap doesnt exist in the FATARS with the 7mm depth.  So instead of a smooth plastic valley wall (if you think of the down pressed key causing a valley between the keys either side) there is a gap.  This means you feel the under edge of that key when releasing the white - and can even nip your finger in that gap (especially as there narrower too).

4.  Finally, the shorter, narrow keys with less plastic depth all result is less plastic used in the key - which is presumably a cost saving (on materials).  This means the keys themselves have a lot less mass - there less ridged, and feel lighter on the finger.

Unfortunately due to the physical size (not the under neither bit - the width and length) a standard sized aftermarket bed isnt going to fit.


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