December 03, 2024, 06:26:30 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Keylab essential 49 + Minifuse 1 can’t be run by my Acer Nitro 5 / USB prob?  (Read 718 times)


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 :'(Hi. Big disappointment for me. :-[
I just bought an Arturia Keylab Essential with Minifuse 1 sound card. After registering and following all instructions for clear installation, i finish to plug the keyboard on the PC+Minifuse paired systems.
Used USB 3.0 port. Bam! Désillusion. I see some button lights ont the keyboards, moving light on 6 of the 8 pads during the process and after a While a pop up message warned me that the usb seems too weak for launching the keyboard by USB port… I therefore tried my other ports even the usb-c 3.0 port of my Acer Niteo 5 AN515-42. Same crashes after attempting to start, the keyboard goes off again and again after some lights on it, and then the message of sort of low power in USB port on my computer… I even changed the usb cable and checked high performance mode of my computer, fully switched ON.
Well I m totally lost. I don’t want to invest on a new computer for now.
If anybody can help me I would appreciate. Otherwise I will ask for a refund of the bundle…


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Is your PC running on battery?

Not all USB cables are the same quality.
Are you using the USB cable for your MiniFuse that Aturia put in the box?
Are you using the USB cable for your controller that Arturia put in the box?
Do you have 2 USB ports free on your computer - one for MiniFuse and one for your controller - and does that work?

Do you use a seperate unpowered USB HUB?

Check that your USB ports does'nt turn off to save power, when you don't use your controller/ MiniFuse for a while.
You can read about "MY COMPUTER SHOWS A "POWER SURGE" POP-UP ALERT." here:


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