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Author Topic: Problems with License for Keylab Essential 61  (Read 2789 times)


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Problems with License for Keylab Essential 61
« on: September 24, 2022, 07:48:45 am »
Dear Arturia Community,

I have tried to find a solution searching through the forum if there was a similar case to mine and did not find anything relevant.

After buying the Keylab Essential 61, I encountered the problem that I have only the "Serial Key" of the Product, but NOT the "Unlock Code".
Probably the code was registered in previous owner's account and since I can't contact them back, I can't get them to de-register the product.

I sent an email to "registration-inquiry@arturia.com" asking for Support on this matter, but did not get any reply.

Has someone experienced the same issue (not having an Unlock Code, or having their product registered in other account) and could explain me what would be the best thing to do?

Many thanks on advance.



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