I posted a couple of ideas for Arturia back in April. Since then I thought some more stuff we could see (I really like Arturia stuff, including their VST/FX/controllers/audio interfaces and analog synths, so would always welcome more)...
(1) An "Analog FX Lab". That would be similar to Analog Lab, but allow us to browse/use all of Arturia's growing line of FX devices and their presets and quick edits - and create/save fx chains.
(2) A MIDI keyboard like KeyLab, but with embedded engines from Arturia's V Collection (perhaps you could buy and load engines piecemeal, like Roland's "System 8's "PLUG OUT" engines). Perhaps even a keyboard-less hardware module.
(3) A way to sync/save local VST/FX presets, favourites, playlists, etc. on your Arturia online account, so you can have them always with you if you use multiple computers, buy a new laptop, upgrade, etc.
And here are my previous suggestions:
(4) A flagship drum machine in V-Collection - Spark VST has long been dead, gone, and neglected. It could also be an "Arturia V Drum collection", and start having things like 808, 909, DMX, LM-1 -- and of course your own, e.g. DrumBrute, or new original VST only models.
(5) Perhaps a sampler VST. Native Instruments has dropped the ball (with very late M1 upgrade, no hi-dpi for years, little development), and Halion is antiquated and badly designed, maybe it's time for a new mainstream sampler instrument. Add compatibilty with 1-2 popular formats and you can have something big...
At this point Arturia is one of the few companies I trust to do all of this stuff right.