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Author Topic: Wonder if this work correct?  (Read 1181 times)


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Wonder if this work correct?
« on: July 25, 2022, 02:55:00 am »

A preset like "Classic Brass" is set to have Velovity to modulate the Global "Brilliance". But the modulation is'nt applied to individual notes. It is set to the last keys velocity modulation for all notes playing. So i wonder if it should be possible to add different "Brilliance" amounts to individual notes?

Also the Synth lines PWM SPEED equaly does'nt work per individual note. I also wonder if PWM SPEED should be added so it's different for individual notes.

I can understand, if different Global parameters like Brilliance and SUB OSC parameters - and a parameter like PWM SPEED is'nt applied independently to individual notes. But i wonder if it should be possible, as some factory presets is programmed like it should be possible?

It actually can sound strange in a polyphonic preset like "Classic Brass" as it is, because held notes modulation is changed when another note set another velocity amount.
So is this programming a mistake?

It would be great, if individual notes got it's own modulation amount in cases like this.

Can someone from Arturia please explain this?

I don't use MPE controller.


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