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Author Topic: CPU usage has gone up to problem levels on CS-80 V4. Never a problem previously  (Read 1725 times)


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Can't help noticing a massive increase in CPU utilisation on V4.

My hardware ran this synth easily with V3 and earlier versions, with multiple instances in projects in Cubase 11/12 without problems. I been a user of the Arturia CS-80 since V1.

Now with V4 I add one instance, and in record mode, the system is spiking the CPU and crackling. I can stop it crackling, but only by increasing the samples setting of my audio interface to unacceptable high latency.

I sincerely hope this can be improved with a patch.

Loving the new audio quality and modelling, but not the hardware requirements. It's become a PITA on anything other than the simplest project.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2022, 04:16:48 am by SledDriver »


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Welcome to the forum.
What hardware are you using, how much RAM, also Mac or Windows?

I think it's going to be unavoidable that as these virtual synths improve, they're going to demand more from the hardware.
I wouldn't bank on Arturia ever being able to patch the app so it will offer the same performance while requiring less resources, and would instead take it as an unexpected win if they can.

EDIT: what are your Geekbench scores?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2022, 10:12:53 am by MajorFubar »
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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I'm using exactly the same hardware I was using in V3, and it hardly registered on that version. I have projects with multiple instances o CS-80 V3, and never even considered the CPU usage as it was so low. Now, just one instance, and when I record enable that instance, the meters are close to hitting the limits.

Anyway. Windows. 64GB RAM. i7 8700K clocked with all cores at 5GHz. All SSD/NVMe drives.

I accept that demands may increase with time, but this is a quantum leap in CPU requirement.

I mean, I have projects with multiple CS-80 V3's and 70+ tracks with multiple VSTi's and VSTFX and the system isn't even struggling.

Then I have one test project with just one track with one CS-80 V4 and the CPU usage is becoming a problem.


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Thanks for the reply, but I ask again, what are your Geekbench scores? I accept there a thousand reasons why Geekbench scores aren't the be-all and end-all but they are repeatable cross-platform tests that give us an indication of a system's overall performance.

If your single core is above 1200-ish and your multicore is above 5000-ish then I'm not sure why you're running into problems other than maybe your DAW is also quite resource-hungry.

EDIT: I've just ran a test on my own base-spec 2020 M1 Macbook Air with 8GB RAM, which I know is not directly comparable for a hundred different reasons, but I thought it would give you some context.

In Logic Pro I recorded a loop of the default CS80V4 'AfterTouch Surprise' patch alternating between chords C and F across 4 bars. With the latency set to a usable 128 samples (8.9ms) I was able to duplicate the track 14 times before the app threw a CPU overload error while playing it. So that's 15 instances of the same CS80V4 patch all playing live. No crackling was noted before instance 16 which would not play fully.

My Geekbench scores are below:
« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 03:06:39 pm by MajorFubar »
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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