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Author Topic: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing  (Read 3052 times)


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Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« on: July 05, 2022, 08:25:15 pm »
Hi everyone,

I was wondering, if I'll have to upgrade the Pigments-license in a few months, in case I get one.
Or is a Pigments license a permanent one (i.e. like Roland's lifetime licenses)?

Kind regards,



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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2022, 10:08:02 pm »

The license is for life for the version you buy. When/ if a Pigments 4/ an upgrade arrive, then perhaps you have to pay a upgrade price (not full price), if you wan't that version. When a new version arrive, then older versions will no longer be updated/ maintained but will work as long as your other equiptment allow it to.
I'm a user, so this is my exsperience for Arturias products in generel.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2022, 10:16:25 pm by LBH »


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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2022, 09:10:15 am »
Roland's licences are perpetual because their rent-an-app business model is also perpetual: as soon as you stop paying they take your toys away.

Arturia licences allow you to use the product version you have bought, and any 'dot' updates, for life.
However as LBH correctly said, they do often understandably charge an upgrade price for new version, eg V3.x to V4 for example. Afterall their programmers have to put food on the table too.
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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2022, 12:47:19 pm »
Roland's licences are perpetual because their rent-an-app business model is also perpetual: as soon as you stop paying they take your toys away.
There are options to get Rolandcloud lifetime keys for individual products even when only using a free subscription.


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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 01:58:23 pm »
I wish Roland offered an option to just purchase any of their soft-synths outright, such as the D50. But sadly not. And frustratingly I doubt Roland will ever allow Arturia to sell a D50 emulation.

(Sorry for the off-topic conversation, OP)
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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2022, 07:26:22 pm »
Hi guys,

thanks for your replies.
This makes the Pigments-Synth a considerable candidate to buy.

I wish Roland offered an option to just purchase any of their soft-synths outright, such as the D50. But sadly not. And frustratingly I doubt Roland will ever allow Arturia to sell a D50 emulation.

(Sorry for the off-topic conversation, OP)
No worries. I'm absolutely fine with that. You guys are very helpful.
Btw. there's a link to Rolands Soft-Synths, down below.

There's just one more question about your responses:
Since I received an update of my "V-Collection 8" already a few weeks ago, I was missing i.e. the prophets and the CS-80.
When looking into my purchases within the Arturia Software Center, they do still exist there. But I can't reinstall them (At least there's process being started).

This is, why I brought up this whole thing:
I'm in limbo over whether it is because they only use them within their "V-Collection 9" now or if this might be a bug.

I won't blame Arturia for denying the access to these synths, now.
Money doesn't grow on trees and they need to generate a steady flow of income. I think of the V-C as one way to do so.

And (if it really works like this) I was naive enough to buy it and think to myself: "Well, at some point there won't be updates/ bug fixes/ newer synths. But I'll keep these and it's a good way to start with.".
And their advertisement and marketing made a pretty good impact. So, kudos for that.  :D

There's just a bit of disappointment, because I bought the V-C 8 in December and didn't have too much time to try out everything and since I'm still pretty new to all this stuff, there's plenty to learn and get to know.

I hope, this doesn't sound too bad. I didn't really want to rant about it. It's just not helfpul.
I probably won't upgrade to V-C 9, since I'm still in the setup/ orientation (DAW, Synths, surroundings) and I couldn't take on the upgrade offer.

The collection itself (imho) is great, really. Especially to get a wide look onto the variety of synths and if one's in the flow to keep it.
I'll try to go for a few lifetime licenses. So I'll look for Pigments and other single synths.

Here's the link:

I'm also considering to buy the Jup-8 and Juno-60 there, since "Lifetime" and it's the original manufacturer.

Kind regards,

« Last Edit: July 06, 2022, 07:54:32 pm by CouldBeAName »


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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2022, 09:02:07 pm »
Since I received an update of my "V-Collection 8" already a few weeks ago, I was missing i.e. the prophets and the CS-80.
When looking into my purchases within the Arturia Software Center, they do still exist there. But I can't reinstall them (At least there's process being started
As you own VC8 but not VC9, then you will have Prophet V3 and CS-80 V3. They have not been updated or bug fixed, and probably never will. You should still have them and be able to use them as they are, for as long as it's possible with your other equipment.

You will not have the new upgrades Prophet 5, Prophet VS and CS-80 V4 in VC8 but in VC9. For VC9 you will have to pay an upgrade price.
In that regard you could say it's kind of subscription.

I think any form of payments have it's pros and cons in any aspect.
If it's products, that i wan't to keep, then i don't like subscriptions where i loose all products right away, if i don't pay.
I'm quite confident, that consumers as it is will get to pay enough or more than enough in one way or another.
Then it can be discussed what's fair and what's not, and what one like or not.


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Re: Pigments 3 - Question about licensing
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2022, 11:13:13 pm »
Since I received an update of my "V-Collection 8" already a few weeks ago, I was missing i.e. the prophets and the CS-80.
When looking into my purchases within the Arturia Software Center, they do still exist there. But I can't reinstall them (At least there's process being started
As you own VC8 but not VC9, then you will have Prophet V3 and CS-80 V3. They have not been updated or bug fixed, and probably never will. You should still have them and be able to use them as they are, for as long as it's possible with your other equipment.

You will not have the new upgrades Prophet 5, Prophet VS and CS-80 V4 in VC8 but in VC9. For VC9 you will have to pay an upgrade price.
In that regard you could say it's kind of subscription.


that's good news to me, in multiple ways!  ;D
Meaning, a reinstall might fix it and something just got broken during the update process.
Well, shit happens. Then I got it wrong to begin with.

I also should have mentioned that (in opposition to the Software Center) there were icons missing withing the Arturia-applications-folder, which increased my confusion.

I think any form of payments have it's pros and cons in any aspect.
If it's products, that i wan't to keep, then i don't like subscriptions where i loose all products right away, if i don't pay.
I'm quite confident, that consumers as it is will get to pay enough or more than enough in one way or another.
Then it can be discussed what's fair and what's not, and what one like or not.
I'm with you.

Okay, then. Thanks again. You guys helped out a lot.
I'll do a reinstall. May be tomorrow or at the weekend.
If you'd like me to give some feedback, I will do so.

Kind regards,



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