March 13, 2025, 07:44:04 pm
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Author Topic: What is the difference between "Loop" and "Loop Retrig" in "SEQUENCER PATTERN"?  (Read 1922 times)


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I don't understand the difference between "Loop" and "Loop Retrig" in "SEQUENCER PATTERN".
It seems to be retriggered even when "Loop" is set.

Also, in "AB+C", when "Loop" is selected, "LOOP TORG" is displayed.
When "Loop Trig" is selected, "LOOP" is displayed.

Translated from Japanese by DeepL.


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In Loop Retrig mode the sequence also will reset to the first note when you play legato style (playing a new note before the first is released - playing overlapping notes.).
The sequence won't reset to the first step when in Loop mode, when you play legato style.

However the Legato is'nt specified in the manual. So i'm not sure if it's in Loop mode is meant to not retrigger when playing new notes no matter they are played Legato style or not. But i assume it would be named Free running if that was the case. So it look like an error in the manual that the Legato is'nt specified.

You are correct that the display labels in AB+C mode is wrong. The display show Loop when it's Loop Retrig and Loop Retrig when it's Loop mode.
It work correct, but the labels are wrong.
I don't have Loop Torg here though.

You can contact Arturia support about this, if you wish.


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I see, so it is a manual error.

I have confirmed that it is not retriggered by legato.


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