Glad i could help the_doc735.
Your welcome.
"BUT!" ~ it means I can't specify my own path on any drive? Odd or what?
You can specify your own folder. You can also move the Resource folder, if you do it as explained in the FAQ link i posted.
If the problem indeed was a name issue like it can look like, then just don't use Resource folder names like Samples or Presets, as you then get a path like Samples\ Samples that may have caused the issue. The samples perhaps then was exspected to be in the first Samples folder. I can't tell for sure, as i don't know how Arturias code look for Samples.
You can in example use the name Arturia (why not?), then you can put it on any drive or path you wish without risking name issues. In your case i see no reason why you have changed the name, as you had installed everything on the path C\ ProgramData anyway.
But you could in example have used the path C\ Users\ User name\ Documents\ Arturia - if you for some reason wish to and it's not about saving space on your C drive.
But actually i can't tell for sure, if the issue was the name or anothr install issue that now has been corrected.
No matter what, then i think it is misleading to name the Resource folder Samples, as the Resource folder contain much other files than samples.