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Author Topic: Key gate for sequencer..important  (Read 1321 times)


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Key gate for sequencer..important
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:32:01 pm »
Hello, I don't know how often this has been requested yet, but for me an essential feature missing.. The sequencer should gate on key press..that works especially well with the transpose function..  And..especially if you work with multiple sequencers on don't have a problem to start them, but to control them..and being able to stop or just temporarily start second and third sequenced ornaments is a form of control over the musical content within the track... its in the gap between the notes....
The actually functionality could be restored by activating the hold key for that..and that is how it works now..the sequence is held once started.. But we want it Keyable when hold is deselected.. the preset state could well by with hold the unit would behave exactly as now..but with a quick deselect press on hold, you have the sequence key gated..
2 modes could be provided..continue, just gate makes notes appear but in sync to clock start point.. and restart of the sequence on keypress.

But to keep it simple..just one continues mode would make the sequencer much more usable allready, and would be probably the preferred mode by many. But booth wouldn't hurt

Gated sequencing gives much more usability especially in stage situations, where the keystep is prone to be a sidekick sequencer and not the gig base sequencer.. and therefore its rather for temporary appearances than dudeling thru from beginning to end..

Thanks in case you listen.. A lot of contemporary sequencers show that problem of being permanent loop runners and therefore not ideal for stage use. You can work with 3 sequencers easily..but not having them all full on all the time.

best regards, 3phase
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 12:40:55 pm by 3phase »


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Re: Key gate for sequencer..important
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2022, 12:50:33 pm »
And one more..have seen this request in the Beatstep subform..

velocity control ove a sequence..should work in a bipolar fashion where soft played keys subtract max30 velocity units and fast played keys add uo to 30 velocity units.. or something in that range that works best to have enough playability and useful sequence variations..

On samplers with velocity layers this could be a percussion fireworks
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 12:54:31 pm by 3phase »


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