I use midi local off when using midi effects in Ableton (such as scale), to prevent 2 notes to be triggered (local + midi from midi effect). I use one channel for input and a different channel for output. It works well but there are 2 things that could be improved :
1/ Polybrute connect seems to ignore local off setting and sends back the original keyboard note, making local off ineffective. I need to close PB Connect to get local off to work. This looks more like an oversight from developers than a real intended behaviour
2/ When in local off, the PB control panel (pots and sliders) doesn't control the sound boards anymore, unless it is fed back through midi. A lot of midi effects don't pass-through cc's, so we loose the ability to change the sound while playing in local off. As a workaround, I am setting up another midi track in ableton, getting midi from PB out channel and sending back to PB in channel. In order to not get the keyboard notes back (defeating local off), I insert a scale effect with all notes unselected. This works, but it would be more convenient to get more options for local off such as local notes off, local cc off, local notes+cc off