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Author Topic: Instrument-specific sound bank presets not appearing  (Read 1015 times)


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Instrument-specific sound bank presets not appearing
« on: May 21, 2022, 08:07:31 pm »
I own many Sound Banks and recently upgraded to V-Collection 9. The Sound Banks are installed and both visible and playable in:
  • Analog Lab 5
  • Legacy versions of V-Collection instruments, such as CS-80V 3

Until I deleted db.db3 nothing showed up in CS-80V 3 either but now they do.

When I go to CS-80 V 4 I cannot see or search for the CS-80 V presets that are available in Analog Lab 5 or CS-80 V 3 under sound banks. Is this a known error?

 I do have one sound bank visible in CS-80V 4 which was newly downloaded inside Analog Lab 5 and subsequently appeared. How do I do the same for my existing downloaded sound banks?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 08:09:23 pm by spride »


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