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Author Topic: Notes playing by themselves  (Read 4084 times)


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Notes playing by themselves
« on: May 02, 2022, 08:27:24 pm »
Hey there!

I'm getting this strange problem on my Minibrute where notes randomly start playing by themselves. This issue kind of comes and goes but happens every few seconds. I personally feel it could be an issue with the keys and sensors attached - with note on happening by itself possibly due to some kind of short circuit?? i also suspect it could the switch at the back which lets you change from audio to hold to KBD - when I move that switch it doesn't work properly - ie notes linger on or randomly trigger even after changing from the hold to KDB mode.

I live in India and have written to the official Arturia distributor here, but also thought it would be good to see if someone here (especially Arturia technical people) are familiar with this issue and can help me figure this out.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Notes playing by themselves
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2022, 10:15:41 pm »
At one time this happened with my MiniBrute.

While trying to figure out if the Gate Source switch (at the back) was in the wrong position (like in the Audio, though I had nothing plugged into the Audio input), I ended up finding that the issue was actually related with that switch and its ambiguous position, so although it looked like it was in the KBD position, internally it seemed like there was still a bit of contact causing the HOLD position to sometimes activate.

After juggling the switch a bit to each side, the issue went away.

So, I'm not sure if this is related with your issue but just in case, that's a simple thing to do or to check.


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Re: Notes playing by themselves
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2022, 07:43:25 am »
Thanks for your reply Koshdukai!!

Your suggestion was a simple one but I tried it and it really does seem to be an issue with the hold switch not fully 'switching' off completely - moving it back and forth a few times made the issue go away - though it does recur when I try it again and again - so it's a little annoying to keep doing this till it goes away. There are times when I do like to use the hold function to have fun with the lfo section.

I guess my next question to you and to other people who are well versed with the synth would be - whats the best way to service this switch and if it's simple enough to get a replacement and get it changed?

Thanks again!


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