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Author Topic: Bank and Program change Polybrute  (Read 2224 times)


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Bank and Program change Polybrute
« on: April 11, 2022, 05:27:27 pm »
please help me out here - google seems to have now answer for this ;(

There is now around 850 sounds/presets on my PB and im dealing now with controlling the Bank and Program change my DAW.

I connected the PB with my DAW and (midi) bank change (0-15) and Prg Change (0-128) work fine with the Polybrute.
( via the PB midi channel controller data though - not the connect PB Virtual Instrument/connect)

Problem: Assigning/selecting presets via DAW is unfortunately a mess.---

If I understand it right, each bank (0 up to 15)  can have 128 programs - resulting in
BANK 15 Prg 96 in my DAW  =  Preset 8.L8 in the PolyBrute
( might be helpful - took me while to find that out;)

Does anybody have an idea how these 15 banks and 128 programs are related in detail to the way PB has its presets organized in its 8x96 presets ?

btw: 8 Banks with 96 presets each results in 768 presets - how can it be that the PB connect software shows more 867 presets here ???)

How can one know wich bank and program has to be for.ex. to select PB preset #7.L4 or #4.A6  within the DAW ?

Is there a system to it ?
A sheet where one can see quickly the right Bank/Prg. number for a specific preset.

thx for your help!
cheers from cologne


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2022, 06:41:00 pm »
The PB has the banks and programs arranged from 0-7 and from 0-95. That's quite correctly 768 presets, and that's what the PB Connect librarian will show in the preset browser on the right and the project browser on the left.  The middle section is your collection of all the preset banks you have stored on the computer (it's a bit unfortunate that they're called "banks" there, since that has nothing to do with the MIDI bank/preset selection)

The bank number is the same as the round buttons to select banks on the synth itself, corresponding to the 8 matrix pages. Just subtract 1 from the button number if using a zero-based range of banks in your DAW (like you already do).

The presets within each bank then correspond to the 96 matrix buttons, numbered from the upper left (1) to the lower right (96) going row by row. Again subtract 1 if the range in the DAW starts at 0.

If I understand it right, each bank (0 up to 15)  can have 128 programs - resulting in
BANK 15 Prg 96 in my DAW  =  Preset 8.L8 in the PolyBrute
Bank 15 is the same as bank 7 (the highest bank number). It has just wrapped around there.

So Preset #8.L8 in the PolyBrute is called up with bank 7 and preset 95 (using zero based bank/preset ranges here).

How can one know wich bank and program has to be for.ex. to select PB preset #7.L4 or #4.A6  within the DAW ?
Preset #7.L4  =  bank 6, preset 91 (still using zero based bank/preset ranges for the examples here)
Preset #4.A6  = bank 3, preset 5

So that's the system :)


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 11:50:07 am »


When I´m recording midi (even on 2 tracks ( PB AND PB Connect) it does record the notes im playing
but not the preset / sound changes I do on the PB matrix - while recording.

Would be great to receive these too on the DAW

any idea ?

thx !


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2022, 05:51:20 pm »
I see that you posted the same issue for MicroFreak. If you can't record Program changes from either, it may be a setting your DAW, e.g. a MIDI filter.

Which DAW are you using?


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 11:01:55 am »
thx !
yes true.. same issue for the Microfreak
- Cubase 11 it is
would be great to solve this

best seb


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2022, 06:28:34 pm »
OK, I also have Cubase 11 :)

Please forget my previous message - the PB does not send program change messages. Sorry about that confusion.

You will have to insert program changes manually in your MIDI parts.

You can also select the program in the Cubase Track Inspector, but not the bank. That's because Cubase uses the Bank Select LSB message (CC 32), while the PolyBrute uses the Bank Select MSB message (CC 0).

To insert a Bank Select MSB message in the controller lanes, you must first add Bank Select MSB to the list of available controllers:
 * Click the down arrow on the bottom of the controller lanes view,
 * Select "Set up Available Controller..." to open the available controllers dialogue
 * Scroll to "CC 00 (BankSel MSB)" in the available controllers dialogue
 * Click "Add" in the bottom of the available controllers dialogue

Now you can select "CC 0 (BankSel MSB)" when you add a controller lane.
Also add a Program Change lane.

With that done you can insert bank and program messages as needed in the controller lanes.

Yes, it's a bit convoluted, but hopefully you'll get it working.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 10:38:08 pm by DrJustice »


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2022, 12:01:50 pm »
thx, Doctor !
I figured that all out now - great help.
( surprising, though that PB doesn't send the PRG changes...)

Anyway - I got already used to putting them manually in ;)

Another - related- topic pooped up:
Wich CC or other midi msg does the PB send out?
ok - Pitchbend is "recorded" by cubase.

But how about other controllers and knobs ?
Especially the Morphee data - and ribbon activity would be great to capture in Cubase.
( I know about the motion seq. rec option, but that doesn't help me to record in Cubase, what im doing on the PB)

thank you very much!
happy easter !


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Re: Bank and Program change Polybrute
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2022, 02:23:17 pm »
For the panel knobs to send MIDI, make sure "Settings/MIDI/Enable CC on Knobs" is set to "On".

With the latest firmware (V 2), both Morphee and Ribbon send CCs:

Ribbon CC=> 9
Morphée X,Y,Z CC => 114, 115, 89

Happy easter! :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2022, 11:07:32 pm by DrJustice »


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